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od 7 października 2009 | 858 023 |
Szar’s documents |
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EXTENSION OF ACTIONS AND APPROVAL OF THE CD Department of the Diocese of Christian Doctrines opinioned further activities of “Szar” in the letter dated. 7 April 2006. The activities expanded throughout the entire Diocese of Zamość-Lubaczow and approved the CD "The Rosary, our defensive rampart," as a teaching aid to be used during the catechism’s lessons when establishing and running the Rosary’s community. The opinion of the Department of Christian Doctrines (fragments) Apostolate of Rosary’s prayer is the response to the request of the Mother of God, who when appearing in various places, especially in Fatima asked the children to pray the Rosary every day. John Paul II called the Rosary his favorite prayer. In the Letter about the Rosary he encouraged everyone, including children and young people to rediscover the prayer, he introduced the new Mysteries of the Rosary-the Mystery of Light, he was teaching how to pray Rosary and asked to pray for the families and peace all over the world, he also announced the Year of the Rosary. Pope John Paul II during his pontificate was giving away Rosaries to the faithful people. Creating the Army of the Rosary at schools is useful not only for students, its also shaping the attitude towards prayer, it integrates school’s environment, students, catechists and teachers. It is a religious formation, deepening the knowledge of the gospel events, it develops sensibility towards existing dangers of the world in the form of various addictions, it connects children and youth with the parish, since the catechists work closely with the parish’s priest, they actively engage students into active participation in the liturgy of the Mass. The School Army of the Rosary operates in accordance with the Regulations established, each member receives a diploma stating membership in The School Army of the Rosary. Aids have also been developed in the form of a CD entitled "The Rosary, our defensive rampart" which can be used by the catechists to establish Rosary’s groups at schools, and Prayer’s Intentions for the members ”Szar” for the following months of the year - 5 versions. The presented material such as: Regulations, Diploma, prayer’s intentions and the CD we assess positively. They do not contain contrary teachings as far as the lecturing of the Magisterium of the Church. So we support the request of Mr. Boguslaw Zapalskiego and Priest. Dean John Krawczyk to approve the Rules and permit expansion of the Rosary’s School Army on the teritory of our Diocese. Zamosc 7 April 2006. signed by the President of the Division of Christian Doctrines Priest and prelate Czeslaw Grzyb |